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Thank you for your generosity!

At the Sarcoma Alliance, we support our community by providing trustworthy information, support groups, and financial assistance. None of this would be possible without the generosity of people like you. When you give to the Sarcoma Alliance, you are directly contributing to our mission and letting people know that they are not alone.

Your donation will fuel and sustain critical programs and services for sarcoma patients, survivors, and their loved ones. You can ensure they have access to lists of sarcoma centers, one-to-one support, financial grants, updated information, and resources they need to navigate a sarcoma diagnosis.

Donate Now

Donation Designations

When you donate, you can designate your funds to one of the following programs.  Or you can support the area of greatest need.

Support a Patient’s Second Opinion

The Suzanne Renée Leider Memorial Assistance Fund provides patients with grants to reimburse the costs related to getting a second opinion consultation with a sarcoma expert.

Support the Sarcoma Exchange

For our annual educational event, give a general donation, become a corporate sponsor, or help us pay to record the event and make it available for people who could not attend.

Support Sully’s Run

Each year the Pearl Mae Foundation honors its founding Executive Director, Lauren Sullivan, who died of a rare cancer called Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma, with a 5K run benefitting the Sarcoma Alliance.

Host Your Own Fundraising Event

Whether you put on a benefit concert, launch a mini campaign, or whip up a bake sale, you can bring people together to support those facing sarcoma.

Learn More About Independent Fundraising Events

More Fun Ways to Give

Honor Someone Special

Honor a birthday, a survival year, a memorial, or a significant day for a person or pet.

Double donations

Encourage others to donate by matching their gifts up to a maximum amount of your choosing.

Donate Your Vehicle

A creative and simple way to support the Alliance is donating a vehicle. Learn more about donating your vehicle here.


Shop your heart out while supporting people facing sarcoma by browsing the Sarcoma Alliance Shop and our featured products on Zazzle.


Donate your stocks, retirement assets, or life income to the Sarcoma Alliance.

Launch your Legacy

Pave a path for people facing sarcoma in the future and make providing guidance, support, and education part of your lasting legacy. Learn more about Planned Giving here.

Donate Now to the Sarcoma Alliance

Thank you for your generosity!

Completing this form sends a financial contribution to the Sarcoma Alliance. The Sarcoma Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID # 68-0443045. All donors will receive an acknowledgement for tax purposes.

  • By default, your donation will be directed to the area of greatest need. You may also select a program below. To support an area not listed, contact us at (415) 381-7236.
  • We will send you a confirmation.
  • For example, name and contact information of someone you would like notified of your donation.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.